Getting Started Version: 1.0.0, Last updated: 23-07-2022


Teleman - Telemarketing & VoIP Service Application is a SaaS ready script, allows you to make calls to your customers to promote your products. There is an IVR dialer where you can live call your customers and sell products. This is a twilio based voice calling application so you need a twilio account to start your telemarketing service. You can send voice messages from a text file and also a pre-recorded audio file. By adding new contacts to a group you can you can start a campaign.

1. Administrator can set up multiple Twilio provider accounts.
2. User can make calls by using these providers, they just need to fill in some required details;
3. As you provide Twilio provider accounts to your users, you can charge them in multiple ways;

Server Requirements

PHP Verion: 8.1+
MySQL Version: 5.2+
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
curl enable
zip Extension
gd Extension

Installation Steps

Step 1
Unzip the file you downloaded from Codecanyon, It inclueds one zip file. You only need to upload the file "zip" file to your server and unzip it.

Step 2
Create an empty database in your MySQL server, Keep the credentials inculding:
1. Host name or host ip-address
2. Database name
3. Database Username
4. Password for database username

Step 3
Generally, If you are using cPanel, You may skip this step.
But if you setup the server by yourself, You may check if the following folders are writable:
1. /upload/, Always require 777 or 755, Apply to all files and subdirectories
2. /backup/, Always require 777 or 755, Apply to directory only
3. /application/config/, Only require 777 or 755 while installing the script, Apply to directory only
You may navigate and set the proper permission using this command: chmod -R 777 folderName

Step 4
Open your URL, You will be redirected to the installation page, Fill in the necessary information and click continue at every step.
If all are ready then you will finally see the success page.

Step 5
1. Migrate with fresh content.
2. Create an admin user.

Important Notice
You should enable rewrite module before starting to use. But if you are using cPanel generally you don't need to follow this notice.
For Apache, you should run the following command:
a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 restart
For Nginx, you should follow the steps:
Open the file below replacing ‘default’ if necessary with the sites server block:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
If you install the script in a subdirectory, You should change /index.php?$args to /subdirectory/index.php?$args. Then save and run the command:
sudo service nginx restart

Congratulations! You have installed Teleman - Telemarketing & VoIP Service SaaS Application successfully.


You should setup the four following Cronjob:
1. For calculate the balance deduction:
/usr/local/bin/php /home6/username/public_html/artisan calculate:deduction
2. For call duration:
usr/local/bin/php /home6/username/public_html/artisan call:duration
3. For campaign call:
/usr/local/bin/php /home6/username/public_html/artisan start:calling
3. For Expiry subscription alert:
/usr/local/bin/php /home6/username/public_html/artisan send:expiry-alert-mail
4. For revoke number:
/usr/local/bin/php /home6/username/public_html/artisan number:revoke
5. For CSV import:
/usr/local/bin/php /home6/username/public_html/artisan import:csv
5. For Bulk SMS (If you have the Bulk SMS addon):
/usr/local/bin/php /home6/username/public_html/artisan start:sms

Note:: You can set your own desired schedule as long as you want.

Signin Credential

Here is the default signin credentials:
URL: yourdomain/login
email: As given when installtion
Password: As given when installtion



After installation you sign in as administrator, you may need to set up the system. Generally they are all easy to understand but a detailed is available on YouTube here is the playlist: Playlist.


The application used Google Translate. So you can translate at your own language. Google Translate supports over 133 languages.


This script comes with a front-end. You may want to edit the index page, If that's the case you should proceed to resources\views\frontend, you just need to edit the file directly, It's a html page based on Bootstrap 5.
Teleman has live frondend editor. If you are logged in as an admin, you will see editable pen when you hover on a text. Just edit the text a click anywhere, it will save the data instantly.


Teleman has a built-in multi-currency converter you just need to select a country currency and it will automatically convert to the current exchange rate. You can update the current rate anytime by just clicking on the update button. The application by default provides us with this offer so you can change your currency and can make it like to default.

Setup Twilio

1. login to your twilio console. You will see account SID and auth token.
2. Now you need a mobile number. Click on the button called to get the trial mobile number.
3. Verified caller ID:: Now we need to create a verified caller ID if you are using a trial account.
4. TwilML:: Go to voice Twiml App. Create a new app. You will see the voice configuration request URL. input this https:://
For incoming message configuration request URL: https:://
5. Geo Permission:: You have to confirm the Geo permission for which country you want to call without this permission you will face geo permission air so please fix your confirm your geo permission location.

Note:: If you are a visual learner checkout our Youtube video:: VoIP Dialer Demo Call



Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We provide:
1. Usage inquiry
2. Bug fix
3. Script installation

Contact us
Generally you will get replied in several hours.
Our working timezone is GMT+6(Dhaka).